How does it work?
Activated by ambient light, no matter how little, BEST acts as a 24/7 watchdog. Once applied and sealed BEST creates a self sterilizing layer that requires only a quick rinse with water to wash away debris. Germs and bacteria are then immediately eliminated from the surface, greatly reducing the opportunity to transmit disease.
Is it safe?
BEST is a water based non-toxic solution. All formulas are VOC fee.
Is it easy to install?
BEST products require minimal safety precautions, and it is applied simply with a micro-cloth or atomizer by your staff or personnel. No special installation training is required. Application cures within 24 hours, leaving behind a self-sterilizing surface that can last up to 5 years.

24/7 Cleaning
Our most advanced photocatalytic nano-coating, reacts to light generating a continuous sanitizing action twice the strength of bleach with no toxicity.

Decrease Costs
Reduces labor and inventory cost up to 70% and enables cleaning to be more thorough, efficient and safer for both people and the environment.

Kills Germs
Effective on microbes like MRSA, C .dif, Norovirius, Influenza, E. coli, and other well know pathogens transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces. Also useful in commercial indoor gardens reducing the spread of harmful bacterias and molds.
Virus and Bacteria Killing Technology
for your garden, workspace, office, home and more.
Entry level water-based, non photocatalytic (PCO) primer/sealer for porous
surfaces - 200nm particulate / Coverage 3000sf (USG 280m2) per USG
Primer or base sealer for multi-surface applications
Multi-surface, no restrictions other than floors, in medical institutions and
other spaces requiring approved disinfection. All substrates - metal, plastic,
glass, rubber, wood, paint, etc.
A nano primer suited to ensure a proper bond for the antimicrobial formula and increases the longevity of your Nano Seal.
Cost per Square Foot $0.044/sf
Premium-level water-based, PCO sealer for all surfaces - 20nm particulate, Coverage
3000-3500sf (USG 280-325m2) per USG
Sealer, hydrophobic, antimicrobial-corrosion-UV, heat reduction
Multi-surface, no restrictions other than floors. All substrates - metal, plastic,
glass, rubber, wood, paint, etc.
24/7 light activated sanitizer and disinfectant. Cost per Square foot: $0.11/sf to $0.09/sf
Premium-level acrylic-based, PCO floor/tile sealer - satin finish (gloss available
upon request), Coverage 150-400sf (USG 14-37m2) per USG
Highest performing sealer, hydrophobic, anti-microbial-corrosion-UV, surface
Apply to any flooring surface. All substrates - metal, plastic, glass, rubber, finished wood, etc.
Light activated disinfection that is Ideal for heavy-duty, commercial flooring
applications. Leaves bright fresh finish for years! Cost per Square foot: $0.11/sf to $0.09/sf

Interested in ordering?
Please fill out the form and we'll have a sales associate contact you.

Update March 20, 2020 -
Due to the COVID-19 virus, all of Brighterside’s BEST Nano-coating products are in high demand. At this time, we are only taking orders via email, phone, or through your Brighterside sales representative.